Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tomorrow is Nervous System Day in class! :) I will be putting these items in socks (clean ones :) and the students will have to use all of their senses (minus taste :( to figure out what the items are. Here is a good website for the nervous system:

Brett and I spent some time mowing this afternoon. We were blessed with a somewhat cool breeze.
I used to not like sunflowers. Why, I don't know. But there is a school Fayetteville we drive past sometimes and their entire fence row is lined with sunflowers....and it's such a pretty sight. I guess my mind has started to change.
We had dinner with momma, daddy, pat, lillie, jack, and ed and janice today. It was so fun! :)
Have happy Monday.--Let's just praise the Lord!


Becca said...

Love the senses test, I will so be copying it :) Love you, Becca

McCraine Family said...

Love that you mow, I will so NOT be copying that! :) Love you!

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