Monday, June 7, 2010

Today was the last day of school for the kids! One of my students brought me this flower corsage you see on my shirt-it is beautiful. It's made of something that looks like raffia or straw...he is Marshallese and said his grandmother made it.
This is our view of the lake when we go out at night.................last weekend there were so many lightning bugs along the trees on the shore it looked sparkly. Pretty!

Ha! A friendly reminder to drink enough water! This is what Brett and I take out when we go mow or work on fence at the farm....

in other news, I am 95% sure we have sold the condo! The neighbor down the street is very interested in it (his mother, who lives in China is actually the one wanting to buy it)...we are just waiting to have the "final word", and do the paperwork!

Also, we met with a builder on our site today, and have two others looking at our house plans....things are movin' right along and I wouldn't rather have anybody to move right along with than Brett....... :)

1 comment:

McCraine Family said...

Horray! Love the progress that you all are making towards living in the country! :)

